1. 创建项目
command + shift + P
步骤: 运行以上命令 => Flutter: New Project => Application (若要退出则按键 esc)
2. Fastlane
2.1 gem权限获取
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems
2.2 fastlane init
2.2.1 执行命令

这里我们选择 4 Manual setup – manually setup your project to automate your tasks, 之后一直回车即可
2.2.2 配置fastlane Appfile
文件位置: ios/fastlane/Appfile
app_identifier "com.xxx.xxx" apple_id "xxxx@xxx.com" // appID账号 team_id "27XXXXXXT7"
2.3 fastlane match init
2.3.1 执行命令

2.3.2 修改Matchfile
文件位置: ios/fastlane/Matchfile
git_url("git@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/git/repo/app_cert_pro.git") storage_mode("git") type("development") # The default type, can be: appstore, adhoc, enterprise or development app_identifier(["com.xxx.xxx"])
2.3.3 生成证书
fastlane match development fastlane match adhoc fastlane match appstore
2.4 构建fastfile脚本
文件位置: ios/fastlane/Fastfile
default_platform(:ios) platform :ios do desc "Description of what the lane does" lane :custom_lane do # add actions here: https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions end end default_platform(:ios) APP_NAME = "Poetry" IPA_FILENAME = "Poetry.ipa" platform :ios do # Ensure cocoapods is installed before any lanes before_all do cocoapods end # Debug package lane :iosDebug do package(configuration: "Debug", method: "development") end # Release package lane :iosRelease do package(configuration: "Release", method: "ad-hoc") end # App Store package lane :iosAppStore do package(configuration: "Release", method: "app-store") end # Packaging function lane :package do |options| # Build the app gym( scheme: APP_NAME, output_name: IPA_FILENAME, export_method: options[:method], configuration: options[:configuration], include_symbols: true, include_bitcode: false, export_xcargs: "-allowProvisioningUpdates" ) end end
2.5 修改Gemfile
gem "cocoapods"
2.6 修改Podfile
platform :ios, '12.0'
2.7 xcode配置修改
修改bundle identifier


2.8 生成IOS ipa文件
bundle exec fastlane ios iosDebug